Wednesday, February 19, 2020


NIPUNN (K.G.) – An endeavour to consolidate the learning of students currently studying in Kindergarten and to improve their preparedness for the next grade in the Academic Session 2020-21, has been launched on 18/02/2020 in Mission Mode in all the K.G. classes in 434 Sarvodaya Vidyalayas. The programme will run in three phases till 30/03/2020.

In phase 1 : ‘Know Your Child’ from 18/02/2020 to 29/02/2020, the learning outcome of the students of K.G. will be observed through specialized tools designed for the purpose.

In phase 2 : ‘Work with your Child’, The teacher will work with the child from 01/03/2020 to 25/03/2020. The follow up will be based on the Action Plan detailed in the “Daily Lesson Plans” being used by the Assistant Teachers in K.G.

In phase 3: ‘Know Your Child’ from 26/03/2020 to 30/03/2020, the learning outcome of the students of K.G. will be observed again.

The highlight of the programme is its inclusiveness as concerted efforts shall be made to focus on the possible reasons for learning gaps if any. The programme    envisages pooled efforts by the Special Educator of the school for students with special needs.
It is hoped that by the end of March 2020, there would a marked progress in achieving progressive learning outcomes in the students of Kindergarten.