Under the Master Trainer Programme – an initiative of the Primary Branch, all the Sarvodaya Vidyalayas participated in “Sharing of Best Practices in Primary” exhibition cum demonstration. On the last working day of November 2019, 235 Sarvodaya Vidyalayas of Zone 1 to 13 shared their Best Practices at 45 venues simultaneously. On the last working day of December 2019, 214 Sarvodaya Vidyalayas of Zone 14 to 29 shared their Best Practices at 40 venues simultaneously. For the successful implementation of this initiative, the Master Trainers allotted one specific subject to each of their Mentee schools who then prepared innovative low cost TLMs which can be used in class easily to not only increase the attention span of students but also in creating a vivid visual impact on learning. All the Assistant Teachers of Sarvodaya Vidyalaya attended the exhibition at their allotted venues.The exhibition has been a roaring success.